Sunday, June 30, 2013


Swept up about two dozen this morning, before I went to work at 8:00 a.m. Which was really not all that bad, but where do the dang things keep coming from? I picked up several more when I got home this afternoon: by putting down a small card, like recipe size, in front of one, right along the intended path, and the nearly brainless thing kept walking. So, of course, when it got mostly on the little card, I took it to the bathroom and made a deposit. But as soon as I could literally turn around, and walk six steps back to the kitchen: two more!

And there seems to be a crunchy, curled up one in every corner I look at. Anywhere two walls or kitchen cabinets run together to make a  90 degree angle, there is a little curly-cue rolled up, waiting for me to get the broom out. Which I do, every morning - but wonder how much longer this is going to go on? 

I am very thankful from frequent afternoon showers that create enough rain I don't have to get out and water each day - but think that the high humidity/moisture level might be part of the reason they seem to reproduce endlessly. And while I am sweeping up dozens of millipedes each morning, there is the random little deceased rolly-polly, curled up in a miniscule sphere, looking like a prehistoric punctuation mark. Going into the water with the prolific millipedes, kayaking down the rapids of the Chattahoochee.

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