Friday, June 28, 2013


Missed a day of the Round-up on Thursday morning, but think I got caught up with a little broom work last night when I got home from s. GA. So I feel like I started with a clean slate/floor this morning - and was surprised to see over a dozen on the kitchen floor. Come to think of it: I am always surprised to see little wiggly things industriously making their way across the floor, baffled as to how a locked door does not seem to cause even the slightest hesitation. Which, I suppose, should be a lesson to us all about the liklihood of having a bad B & E experience when we so obliviously think we are safely tucked away in our homes. With only puny little locks and great espanses of thin, clean, transparent substances for protection, we foolishly think ourselves impervious to both the elements and greedy invaders.

About half of the little wriggly things had given up the ghost, so I had to get the broom out and try to sweep faster than the rest of them could crawl away in a dozen different directions. Noticing how amazingly fast all those wee legs can motivate - and how remarkably speedy they are at putting the whole thing in reverse. I can sweep a pile up in the dust pan, walk about eight steps to the bathroom, and shake them off, and by the time I walk back into the kitchen - a matter of several seconds - there will be six more, appearing like they are traveling in twelve directions. 

If there are only a couple, I will get a piece of paper and put it down on the floor for them to walk on, and when I have two or three - the maximum I can handle without the broom to 'wrangle' them back from the edge, in the bowl they go. But as soon as I dump and return to the kitchen, they have somehow reproduced their busy little selves and there will be three more while my back is turned. The 'count' this morning started off at twelve and is now up to twenty. With the likelihood of going higher when I walk back down the hall. Fortunately they are not actual rabbits chewing the legs off the furniture... but they seem to have babies at about the same speed.

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