Saturday, June 29, 2013


The current invasion of things creeping across my kitchen floor numbers around four dozen. They have already been disposed of, thinking (if something that size can actually process info. to reach a conclusion?) they were signing up for Toad's Wild Ride, and surprised by ending up on the Titanic, sans iceberg, as they went swirling into the Great Beyond.

I'm still baffled, but seem to be coping fairly well. I mistookenly thought that the body count would be decreasing, but that appears to Not be the case. Now I am wondering if the weather is a factor, as we have had frequent showers here, with thunder-babies rolling in during the afternoons, and downpours accompanying all the stratospheric activity. Do they love to misbehave and multiply in the damp? Obviously! When you think of the outdoor environment in which they thrive - damp, dark, dank leaf mulch - as well as the bag of mulch I purchased to fill in the recently planted bed by the front door.

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