Monday, June 17, 2013

summertime = swimming pools

I went swimming for the first time in nearly a year last Saturday.

I went to church on Friday night, for a special event. When I saw my friend, who has a membership in her neighborhood pool, I asked if I could come over and wet my toe. She reportedly gets in the pool every day, after excessive (!) bike riding (any amount is excessive in my opinion: I think she rides about six miles each day.)

As I was driving over to the pool, it occurred to me that it has been so long since I have put on a suit, I should have checked the bag that has been riding around in my car for over a year, with all the equipment used for such an activity. I got there and thought: what if I don't actually have a swimsuit in the car? I would have felt really foolish, especially after inviting myself.

I did find a suit, only to discover it has been such a long 'dry spell', it is the one I had on last July.  When I was at a place where we had to 'check out' towels, and would be charged replacement costs if they were not returned. I had put the little paper bracelet we had to wear to prove we were approved/legitimate swimmers on the strap of my suit. It was quite waterproof, as it is still tenaciously clinging there.

She said come over about 9:00, which I knew I would not do, as it would be too chilly for my idea of fun. So I dragged over there about 9:45, and forced myself to jump in. As expected, I was not at all ready for the temperature of the water, so it was probably like seeing the video in reverse - with me backing out as fast as humanly possible. After a short period of shivering and chattering teeth, I tried again, swimming for about thirty minutes, then getting out to enjoy a bit of global warming and solar energy absorption.

I will take a peek out the window and check the weather, and maybe go back today, to get the rest of the rust off  my joints, and practice more, now that I have discovered I didn't forget how. I will need the skill when I go to Miss. in early July.

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