Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday, day # 4

I missed out on 1/2 of the fun, because I had to go to work. I went in at 7, and left at noon.

They were all so happy to see me... I never get that kind of reception when I walk in the door at home. I'm thinking of moving to the Little House at Lakebottom Park, as I hardly even get an acknowledgement when I come in with bags of groceries at my house. You'd think he would at least be impressed/excited about the food walking in the door.

It was raining, so the adults seemed to be going a bit crazy: which is a direct result of too much togetherness. When the rain stopped, Jollay took them out (the crowd has dwindled to fourteen kids), and showed them how to play the yelling game. She said she found it on the internet. She is a genius. You draw a line, or pick a line on the sidewalk as the starting point. Have them run at full tilt, as fast as the can go, yelling as loud as they can towards a certain point in the distance that you think is much too far to reach before they give out of breath. That's it. The one who gets the farthest is the winner. I think all the winner gets is bragging rights, plus a lot of competition from the others who want to get one step farther.

We did that about four times, they loved it: would still be out there doing it if we had  not made them stop.. I did it twice, mostly just to amuse the girls, and find I cannot run nearly as well as the average eight year old.And they thought my yelling was hilarious.

We sewed a few more buttons, and had a scout troop leader come in and talk to them about planets, space, the universe then play a game of 'space bingo' to reinforce what they had talked about. Kinda lame, I'm thinking, but know that a great deal of emphasis is placed on promoting the STEM stuff, so some sort of science/technology info., has been included every day.

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