Monday, July 1, 2013

Millipedes.... arrrggghhhh....

In the vicinity of twenty or so new invaders. Not so bad, by comparison. I am prone to want to say that 'everything is relative'. And can clearly remember a 'Choppyism' along the lines of 'comparisons being odious', which I assume meant that she was of the opinion that the idea of comparing something to something else had the aroma of a run-over skunk?

The population count this morning was only at about two dozen, though I am still seeing an occasional wanderer, that causes me to stop and put down a piece of paper for them to create their own means of disposal. They will so obliviously speed on across the tiles, and onto the paper/card, with never a thought or care for where they might be headed. This means to me: that they are either impulsive little creatures, ready to live the life of a dare-devil,  or don't have two brain cells to rub together, as they go, without hesitation to their doom in the swirling waters of oblivion.

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