Friday, June 14, 2013

more offensive millipede info...

I had to sweep up about three dozen of them on Friday morning  - which sounds highly unpleasant and quite objectionable. But if you put it in perspective of steadily declining numbers it means that for whatever reason either a) they are not coming in my kitchen to greet me at the crack of dawn, or b) they are no longer so prolifically reproducing they overflow from the great outdoors...???

Either  way - having only several dozen of the nasty little things wiggling their way across the tiles and throughout the rest of the house is a good thing! I never did get myself organized enough to go to the store for some industrial strength bug spray, after my two attempts at minimizing with what I had on hand. So perhaps there is some sort of 'cycle' they go through, like the Nineteen Year Cicadas I've been hearing about in the media? I'd have to wonder if the cicadas spend so long resting underground because they are so slow to mature into adults? And in a great leap of my overactive imagination, would then wonder if the swarm I have been trying to eliminate on my kitchen floor, due to size, will cycle around again in a few months - or "see ya' same time next year"?

If there is anything positive to be found in all the creepy things creeping around, it is that I have been remarkably motivated to sweep the floor on a regular basis - something that does not otherwise occur frequently at my house. There was a time many years ago when it would get swept and mopped at intervals - but that was back in the era of feeling like it was so sticky it would pull my socks off when I walked in without shoes. When there were little people with sippy cups and marginal coordination that would allow only limited success in the act of getting liquids into the body.

I won't precisely state that same problem is coming around again, but there is someone there who persists in sitting on a wooden stool, eating a meal off the kitchen counter, and generally leaving a trail from the plate to mouth. Sadly vision and possibly motor skills are beginning to decline and possibly his aim is not as good as it used to be.  Which brings about the need for more vigilance with cleaning, and clearly a necessity for greater frequency in routine maintenance... as my standards have noticeably slipped with only two people in the house.  I'm getting quite skilled at overlooking: dust, grit, bug corpses, dust bunnies, clumps of black cat hair, empty iced tea cups casually left on the floor beside the recliner

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