Friday, June 14, 2013

this will make you sad...

I have recently had daughters tell me of friends who have had problems with carrying pregnancies to full term. I can't imagine that heartache, of beginning to make plans for increasing a family by one, and having to accept that it is not going to happen the way you had expected. There have been other people in my life, many years ago, who had similar misery, with beginning a pregnancy and having it terminate early on.

It makes me sad to think of these young people, who have already gotten to the point, though just a number of weeks into the process, who suddenly find that all those hopes and dreams have come to an end. The possibilities of new life, having an addition to make a couple a threesome, unexpectedly vanishing. Even though you can rationalize and want to believe that 'everything happens for a reason' and think that 'nothing in life is random' - it is distressing to know of these smart, healthy, capable, conscientious young women so devastated by heartwrenching loss.

It makes me so sad for them, to have had such great optimism, and be looking forward into a future that suddenly feels like a shipwreck. Previously carrying the joy of expecting a new person to come into the world, filled with such amazing life and liveliness - and have hopes dashed, and plans come undone. Having patiently waited 'to be sure' then sharing happy news with friends and family, and now that bright promise fades.... Knowing they are grieving, suffering a loss just a surely as losing a loved one of many years - but not knowing how to grieve for what they never had.

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