Friday, November 11, 2016

funny chicken story...

...that I cannot take credit for, but have enjoyed retelling and talking about for several days. Starting with a phone call received early in the week, from the girl who feeds two hundred college students five days a week in the sorority on the campus of GA Tech. She got a report from some of these students that one of the fraternity groups had some live chickens. Which caused the antennae to perk up, her to put on her 'investigate this' hat, and start asking questions about the fowl.

I think the girls who spilled the beans reported the birds were used for decorations when the (juvenile) frat. boys were planning a party with a 'hoe-down' theme. One of the profoundly immature guys who was on the immature committee thought it would be great fun to have some actual live chickens to include in the festivities. The source, who attended the event, said that poor birds were huddled over in a corner of the party space, terrified by the noise, activity, drunk party guys.

If you know anything at all about chickens, you will are aware they want to go to bed when it gets dark. They need someplace safe to roost, be peaceful, sleep when the sun goes down. So having teenage college students thinking they would be amusing or entertaining when the noise was ramped up and the liquor started flowing was profoundly poor judgment - but not so surprising considering the party planners. Mostly guys who would have been born with collective silver spoons, living a wealthy lifestyle in a frat. house, due to the beneficence of dads with platinum credit cards.

The chicken lover got a carton and went out to locate the birds, due to feeling they were in great need of rescue, before the guys got bored with chicken and turned them loose in traffic. So what happened, you may ask?

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