Saturday, March 21, 2015

not sure if it is...

a good or  not so good thing. I went to work at 6 this morning, and left there a bit after 4, so it was a long stinkin' day. But if there is anything good about the long stinkin' day, it is that the job was in the produce department. And had a pretty good day, chatting with Alice and yakking with friend Martin.

Making salads, cutting fresh fruit to put in bowls and out on the fresh fruit bar. And yogurt parfaits, where I was before thinking it was a good idea to start the cooking demo. job. Which is also where I was before I feel like I shot myself in the foot, figuratively speaking. Due to being forced to take pay cut when my job class changed on the corporate level.

I'm still so annoyed (and that is probably the kindest, most printable word I can apply to how I really feel about this untenable situation) over finding there is no possibility of a pay raise for diligence, or reliability, or conscientious work, or dependability, or cheerfulness, or any of the traits I feel I demonstrate at work. It might be fine and dandy for people at a corporate level to make decisions about how much my time over these many years is worth. But when I think of how much money they get paid to sit in the rolling chair all day, and make those decisions that impact all the people out here on the front lines of providing goods and superior customer service it is so irritating. Makes me want to use those words I am trying to keep closely guarded in my mouth instead of letting them  loose to turn the atmosphere blue.

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