... that need attention. And should have had it before that good rain we got last night. I have accidently purchased several of the plants that are designed to produce the small cherry/grape size for salads and wish I had gotten them squared away before the unexpected rain late on Sunday. Hope to get some yard work done today. Instead of sitting here typing I should be digging.
When I went to VA recently my S-i-l reminded me about some little planters they had mailed to me last fall. When I was up there visiting, I was amazed and astounded by the size of the tomato plants that were growing on their deck in some plastic planters. Probably as tall/long as those my dad used to have growing in his garden plot - fertilized with rich organic mushroom compost, watered daily, nurtured and nourished, thoroughly enjoyed.
These on the back deck, planted close to the back door, in hopes of protecting the crop from becoming deer appetizers where huge. Unbelievable in size, and still producing in the late fall when I saw them. Apparently the planters came shipped with some enriched mesh that had all the nutrients to grow, and produce a bounty for months. I was so intrigued, they had two of the planters shipped here. I hope I can put some of the cherry tomatoes in them, and get started on producing a bumper crop.
I don't watch TV, so not aware of some things the observing world has allowed the media to turn into 'must-haves'. I think these planters that come with matting for continuous release fertilizer might be 'as advertised on TV'? But I am so excited about this tomato growing project, and looking forward to plucking grape/cherry sized tomatoes from my plants till first frost.
In conversation recently, someone recommended the 'Husky' variety as a prolific producer. I've been to several garden shops looking for this particular one, and finally located it over the weekend. I'm always so pleased with myself when I poke through bedding plants looking at all the pots, and come across one that has extra seedlings. Where the growers usually put several seeds in each pot then thin to only grow the healthiest one, occasionally, accidently failing to pinch off all the others. And leaving me another so I might find two for the price of one!
I'm going to get my planters out and do the reading, learn how to maximize production. Get started on this project today. Let me know when you want to come over for a yummy salad with home-grown tomatoes?
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