Sunday, July 19, 2015

cookin' yesterday... work, still making the salmon that people said was so good. So tasty, in fact, that when I was at work today, cooking something entirely different, a customer came by and asked where to find the jars of pesto so she could make that yummy recipe she had a sample of several days ago.

While I was cooking I was observing, minding my own little business, but watching the store manager doing a little 'sort of' building project. I had noticed earlier,  he was in the stock room, putting some shelving together. When he got them all assembled, he loaded them on a cart and took them out on the sales floor, to install them in a little space between end caps on each aisle and the shelving that starts the different departments. They are made of grid work, with the wires spaced so pegs can be installed in a series, and items that are designed to hang on the pegs can be displayed for random, impulse shopping. The only ones I noticed today had some bags of peppermint candy hanging from the pegs.

Yesterday, while they were hanging the units on the ends of each aisle, there was one person holding the unit, and the store manager with his electric drill, forcing the screws into the aisle shelving upright to hold it in place. He obviously did not think to be aware of what was behind the upright, and did not realize the screws were going all the way through the metal upright and out the other side. There on the other side was some plastic bottles of some sort of drink, like Gatorade. It comes in a variety of flavors and colors now, including a bright yellow that looks remarkably like Mountain Dew or possibly urine. He hit two of those bottles with his drill forcing that blistering hot screw into the plastic and out spouted a long stream of bright yellow liquid.

I am sad to say I was highly amused. They dashed over to my area, and grabbed handfuls of paper towels to mop up the mess. I was laughing so hard I was no help whatsoever. Making me think of little boys standing around the campfire playing at seeing who can pee the greatest distance.

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