As I was recounting the amusing details of my battery crisis to the store manager today - it got even more bizarre. If you recall, we were going to use his truck as the source of energy to attach the jumper cables to for starting my car. So the assistant manager J., had driven the truck across the parking lot to get it close enough to where my car was stalled to be able to connect the two. And then had locked the doors, with the motor running, and the keys in the ignition.
This remarkable trick is probably a whole lot easier to perform in this era of keyless entry. I can do that with my car, because the keyless entry device does not have to be inserted in the little 'key hole' to start the engine. My little Toyo. car is designed to 'beep' continuously when the door is open, as a reminder, but I generally do not even insert the electronic device in the little 'key hole' that it is designed to fit. I guess J. was just intent on something helping me - which is basically the reason that he created the mess he had to resolve with our store manager's truck.
Apparently the truck has automatic door locks, and chose to lock itself when the door slammed. J., in a sincere effort to be helpful, had popped the hood when he got out of the truck with the jumper cables in hand. In the chaos and confusion of the key-locked-in-the-running-vehicle crisis: he did not slam the hood to secure the latch. With assistance from a guy with a long piece of stiff wire and a shim to hold the door gaskets apart, the truck door was opened. The situation resolved, and he drove the truck back to where it had been originally been parked. With the hood latch still loose, to be used to help the stalled driver (me). Though by this time I had moved onto plan C and called road service.
The store manager must have left the store in the dark, not noticing how loose his hood was on the drive home. But when I was sharing the details of the crazy tale with the store manager today - he said he thought something was terribly wrong with his truck today. The hood was scarey loose, flapping, banging, rattling when he left home to come into town. He said he thought it was going to take flight, and come flinging over the cab of the truck when he got up speed, before he could stop to try to secure it this morning. I can picture him: jumping out of the cab, pulled over along the highway. Thinking: "what in the world is wrong with my truck!!??!!" before realizing it's just loose, never got secured, slammed down after the ill-fated jumping incident.
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