Monday, December 2, 2013

the midnight call...

I am often awakened by my phone ringing, or more likely vibrating - startling me from a sound sleep. It's usually the school district computer system looking for replacement teachers at 6:03 a.m. When my brain is rarely alert enough to know whether I'm actually 'avaliable' for a substitute teaching job or not.

It startled me awake this morning around 12:15 a.m.this morning. Due to the craziness of waking up at 3:30 on saturday night/Sunday morning (when I tried to sneak out the door in TN to drive back to Columbus to go to work), I went bed 'way to early, and was asleep by 9:00 p.m.

And since, as you know: either from experience or being told that 'old people don't sleep good', if I have three hours of blissful uninterrupted sleep, I think that's a Good Night. I could have been ready to get up and start my day at shortly after midnight. (I'm becoming my Mother....)

The phone call was from the police. The guy who called, said he was office something-or-other and he wanted to come by the house to confirm ownership of an item that he thought was on the list of the missing contents when we were burgled in November. I guess they keep calling my phone because it was the one that initally called 911, so therefore I am the contact person.

I shrewedly went to wake up the homeowner, to tell him the police guy was coming to talk to him. And turned on the outside lights, then went back to bed. I missed that whole thing. But was awakened this morning to hear that I needed to go along to Public Safety and meet the person who had come by in the wee hours. So we could regain posession of one of the missing items: the irreplaceable championship ring from the best year ever for the local hockey team.

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