Monday, August 8, 2016

going to visit the auntie...

... who lives in south GA. I got off work fairly early, so will have to afternoon to drive down and spend some time visiting with her. I know she is lonesome, living by herself, with not much in the way of social life or friends to interact with. There are times when she probably goes to the grocery store, just to get out of the house and have an opportunity to interact with someone besides the contestants on the Jeopardy show on TV.

Sadly: I talked with the person who works out of the Department of Family and Children's Services last week. She does intake when someone calls with a concern about an older person, relating to health and safety. The DFaCS person said that some anonymous person had reported the aunties' driving, for the third time. I am in total agreement, as I won't get in the car with her unless I am the one behind the steering wheel.

Reportedly if there is a fourth report, the Protective Services unit will contact family members and ask everyone to gather for a conference. Possibly leading to the person in question making a change, or a family member petitioning the court for Guardianship.I told the DFaCS person I am completely ready a family meeting  to happen. I've been trying to get info. out of the auntie for years, encouraging her to make some plans for her future, including possibility of no longer living independently. The auntie gives the impression of being in total denial.

I am hoping to have The Conversation with her, and pry some info. out relating to what her choices would be if she should become incapacitated,  which I forsee as a very real possibility. With a family history of at least two generations descending into dementia, I am fearful not only for her, but myself as well. Not much point in fretting about things we cannot change, but I do believe in being prepared. (Strike anywhere matches, right?) We shall see what we shall see....

You may be interested in knowing about the Mini-Mental Exam health care professionals give people who might be at risk for disability, expressing concerns about any type of mental difficulty. I observed my mom responding to the questions a number of times when I would accompany her to Dr. appointments. You can google it right up. And might want to go ahead and give it a go, see what your score is. No cheating! It would be a good idea for all of us to establish a 'base line' score.

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