Friday, April 4, 2014

three hours later....

I've had all the therapy I can stand.  I probably dug up a hundred dandelions... and even if I did not get them all, my theory is that everyone I pull out of the ground is one more that can't reproduce.   So in reality whether you are getting to the root of the matter or just snatching off the blooming part, that turns into seeds and scatter to come back next spring: getting that flower before it goes to seed is what counts.

A co-worker/digger removed some agave plants from the beds at the elementary school, and we took an unofficial vote and decided in unison to not plant it back, right there were the lunch room doors open and kids mill around. It can be very mean, with prickles that attract small hands with unpleasant results. While they were discussing, trying to decide whether to relocate or just put it in the dumpster while no one is looking, I decided to load it up in the back of my car/truck while they were All Looking.

So now I have to get a hole dug to plant agave. It had lots of children that had come up from runners around the mother, so if you want some of this (not particularly desirable plant) let me know. Otherwise you are saying to yourself: what was she thinking???I am going to plant it up near the street, across the driveway from the mailbox, where it will get several hours of hot afternoon sun. If it does not like the location: so be it. I'm the person who says: I dug the hole and put you in it, I feel like I've done my part - so the rest is up to you, little limp, wilt-y bare-rooted transplant.

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