How's that for cryptic??? I went with my bff P. to walk through Callaway Gardens last night. They always have a night that is limited to pedestrians early in the Fantasy in Lights season mid-November through the end of the year. Even though I am not sure of the cost per person, I'd have to say if you've not been during the month of December, it's definitely worth a visit. You could come during the day, and look around, see the Sibley Center Greenhouse area and Day Butterfly Center, both tropical environments you would not normally see in middle GA. And come back after dark to take the drive (or trolley) through the most enjoyable Light Show.
Historically this one night of 'taking a walk' has been on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. I can't say why it is earlier this year. Perhaps it has something to do with their 'enhanced' specialty tours? I have read flyers/publicity that tells about nights set aside for: bicycles only, motorcycles only, golf carts only, plus a night that is for 'patrons' so I guess there is something gold-plated with champagne on that occasion...
When I still had little people at home, we would make the drive and take the walk every year in late November. (After they got old enough, with sufficient stamina and leg length to not start with the 'I'm tired' whine, and the 'Pick me up' beg. And noticed that over the years the colorful figures that comprise the show of lighted toys, elves, flowers, Twelve Days of Christmas, would expand over time.
We walked for about ninety minutes - plenty enough for me after being at Publix on my feets for five hours. Not ashamed to admit that we stopped at the five mile mark and got on the trolley to go back to the parking lot that was the start point. Alternatively, some continued to walk for what was a seven mile loop back to Beach Pavilion starting area. It is an enjoyable 'tradition' that supports a worthy cause. I think our tickets this year were $16, which is bit of an increase over the years from five bucks a head, I paid for the three of us to go the first time we walked. That was at least twenty years ago. I assume at least a portion of the entry fee still goes to fund programming with the March of Dimes. Though due to dire financial straits a 'destination/resort' like Callaway has been struggling with in recent years, I suspect a portion now goes to help pay the light bill!
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