Tuesday, November 19, 2013

funny balloon story...

A customer came in the store this morning, and asked if I could fill fifty latex balloons for him to pick up later in the day. Iwas afraid the tank would run out of helium before I could get to 50, but fortunately there was enough 'lighter than air' in the tank to complete the order.I bagged them up in trash bags, 7 in each one, and had seven bags, plus one extra clipped onto one of the bags. I did not hang around to see the likely disaster when he tried to get the balloons in his vehicle.

But I did tell him about the time daughters had a sixteenth birthday. By that time, their dad had given them a car to 'share' (you can imagine how well that didn't work! Teenaged sisters sharing? Ha!) When they turned sixteen, I went out to the parking lot of the school with a spare key. And dozens of inflated balloons I'd blown up earlier, tied off, and put in trash bags to smuggle out to the car. And filled the car with at least fifty - maybe a hundred- balloons. As  many as I had air/energy to inflate. And left a long pin taped onto the window of the car.

It was hilarious, when the birthday girl walked out of the school building at three o'clock and could not get in the vehicle for all the dozens and dozens of colored balloons. So naturally when the door was opened, balloons came cascading out. How amusing!

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