Wednesday, November 27, 2013


That's how many miles I put on  my trusty little Toyo. today when I drove to Tally and back. You will be amazed, surprised and confounded to discover that I did not get up before daylight to get on the road. Of course, I could have, as I was awake and lying in bed pondering... But I did not get up and into action until nearly 6.

I went to visit friends who live in Ocala, and were up to spend the holiday with family members in west FL. Due to making several stops, it took a bit longer than anticipated to get there, plus I did not precisely know where I was going. (I will be needing some remediation with the GPS, please.) I did Mapquest it, and wrote that down, and did not have any problem finding my destination.

We had a good visit, 'interesting' lunch at a Greek restaurant near the university (fried pita bread strips?), and a stroll through Tallahassee Nurseries. Though it was windy and chilly, the plant nursery still lots of things blooming, as well as a bustling Christmas tree/greenery/wreath business going on. Then stop to get a box of tasty cupcakes for dessert. The kid and the dogs took a nap, and we inspected the cupcakes at close range, sat and talked more, before I had to get up to head north.

Arriving in the dark. And going out to drag in a few plants I know would not survive overnight. I've done some prep. for lunch for tomorrow: a casserole, some dicing.Sadly,  knowing me - I will be awake verrrry early, and making the cornbread for the dressing, then putting the bird in the oven.

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