Thursday, September 21, 2017


... something new I found to add to my list of things to be thankful for, in the unlikely event I should ever run out of reasons to be counting my blessings. If you are a consistent reader, you will recall I have a little book, with lined, blank pages, that I write in every day. Think of things that we often take for granted, fail to consider, until there is some event that gives us a little poke, a reminder of another reason we are so blessed here living in America. Mostly just every things like electricity, hot water, washers and dryers, warm beds, a roof overhead.

At work, there is a co-worker who is a fairly new employee. She was hired about a month, working part time, learning the ropes, helping with production by making cubed fruit bowls, or the fresh fruit yogurt parfaits.  Any person new to the job is going to be slow, and a bit hesitant, needing guidance to gain confidence, and time to develop skills and gradually improve with speed. I was working with her, offering suggestions, and helping her learn to do the work safely, meet the standards.

She is very young, looks about fourteen, but could be in her early twenties, though I doubt it. She is cheerful and willing to do anything she is asked to do. She is learning and will hopefully gain some speed as she continues to do repetitive work. She is also pregnant.

I came home last night telling The Man Who Lives Here how thankful I am that I was not in a position where I had to go to work while great with child. Thankful that I did not have to leave a small child at home with caregivers while I went out into the world to try to earn some funds to support myself. Thankful I did not have to live with in-laws, and a husband who is unemployed. Thankful to not be struggling with all the physical effects and limitations of growing a child in my body, and feeling compelled to look for employment. Thankful they are grown, sweet, smart, compassionate and fully functioning adults.

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