... on a more disgusting note: all those big fat crunchy black grasshoppers I have chased and stomped in recent weeks. It is the season for reproducing. Most of the disgusting things I have seen, been able to 'out hop', jumping along, chasing them across the driveway or through the the pine-straw mulch in the flower beds. Doing the 'two-step', to get ahead enough to give a speedy stomp. In an effort to catch and eliminate from the planet. Most of the ones that have deceased with a very satisfying 'crunch' have been minutes away from looking for the perfect spot to distribute their nasty little eggs.
I know I have sent at least two dozen in the past couple of weeks to where ever grasshopper souls go after their exoskeletons get flattened. My dad was convinced they deposit there eggs in the dead leaf litter around bulb plants, giving the young ones a great place to start gnawing to fulfill their voracious appetites. Sadly you can smoosh 98 but if you leave one him and one her alive, you have not solved the problem of another plague the following year.
The really satisfying crunch occurs when you see the male atop the female and step on the two of them as they are enjoying themselves. Is this perverse? Probably. Is it gratifying? Most definitely.
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