...funny story. Second- or third-hand from someone who told it about an event on the GA. Tech campus. F. probably got the tale from some of the young women in the sorority where she is employed. She has become good friends with some of the members, and enjoys hearing about their lives, studies, adventures and occasional mishaps. The doughnut story happened a couple of weeks ago during Greek Week.
There are apparently a number of traditonal competitions scheduled from year to year between the different houses of fraternity and sorority members on campus. Which means the older students, who have participated in years past, know what the events are like and can help decide which members of their group will be best as part of the team for any specific event. Things like tug-of-war in a mud pit, various relay races, sundry track and field events, things you would expect to actually see at actual Olympics. Plus a scavenger hunt and variety show, group events for self-amusement.
This particular event was timed to see who could down thirty yeast doughnuts quickest. At the meeting when the group was organizing, they asked for volunteers: 'Who wants to do the doughnut eating competition?' And this tiny little Asian girl raised her hand. Someone who could not possibly hide one single doughnut on her person without it being an apparent bulge under her clothing. She agreed to be the individual who would be the participant against more than a dozen big, hulking, hungry, bottom-less pit guys who routinely put away massive amounts of food in a single sitting.
The report I heard: She arrived at the assigned spot in the event, pounded the thirty doughnuts into a flattened mass, doused the bread-y lump with water and shoved the whole thing in her mouth. While all the guys stood there with the mouths gaped open in wonder, and their eyes bugged out of their heads. So astounded, no one thought to pick up a single doughnut and put it in the proper orifice. So this tiny little Asian girl won the doughnut eating contest for the glory of her sorority.
Can't you just picture this: Slight little figure, with long black hair, slicked back in a pony tail. Smiling shyly, looking so innocent and mild-mannered, with her secret plan. While all the jocks are being loud, jostling for attention, obnoxiously and obscenely poking fun at their competitors. Knowing they can plow through two-dozen-plus doughnuts in record time to beat out those wimpy little females. Big hulking athletes, standing there with yeasty glazed doughnut in hand, mesmerized by the petite little female who blows them out of the water, as they are frozen in motion, complete inactivity.
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