Thursday, December 25, 2014

happy-merry-jolly-joy... in TN. Where there is lots of happy, happy, joy, joy. We drove up  yesterday. Whereupon I learned I cannot sit in the car for four hours straight, without a break to get out and straighten my legs, give my back a rest. It was wet on the road,  not always raining, but wet and messy with wipers running constantly due to moisture on road coming up to blur vision.

But an uneventful drive, arriving mid-afternoon. I can't say why he did not stop for lunch, or just to unkink back, but arriving in record time. To get in the door in the middle of preparing eight pans of cinnamon rolls, to share with neighbors, plus have enough for breakfast. I was really hungry, so we ate the chili that was meant for after church mid-afternoon instead.  We went to a nearby Methodist church for Christmas carols, communion and candle-light service. And wearily dropped in to bed.

We'll open various mysterious bundles, eat for several hours, have some laughs, giggle ourselves off the couch. Load up to head home this afternoon. Sadly, I am on the schedule to work Friday morning, so: back to the grind. To mark all the Christmas plants and flowers down dramatically, hoping they will sell for a dollar or two before tossing them in the dumpster.

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