Monday, October 6, 2014

an interesting discovery about human nature... that we tend to assign the same character traits to other people that have been ingrained into our own little personalities. Things like being reliable, or trustworthy. I am continually amazed by co-workers who fail to show up when they are on the schedule to be on the job. I am confounded by people who sign on to work and then just don't appear when there is work to be done. Or even worse: show up and spend as much time as possible avoiding doing what they have been trained to do. Is there such a thing as a professional slacker? Is this the type person who historically was known to prey on others, using the naive and gullible for nefarious means?

I won't mention any names, but came to the surprising conclusion that there are people who will sign on for the task, when all they wanted was the pay, and had no intention of investing the actual labor necessary to accomplish the job. Some don't even bother to show up. Some come in consistently late. Some work at such a slow pace, it's a wonder they don't get strangled by management, or run over by customers pushing grocery carts.

I started the above several months ago, and found it in 'drafts'. In a remarkably timely manner, since I am sitting a home today, pecking away instead of working/being productive.  Still wondering about those people who make the effort to apply for the job, and complete the training process, appear to be willing to work, anxious to develop the job skills and interested in putting forth the required effort to be gainfully employed: then slack off.

I am willing, and somewhat trained: but finding limited demand for my skill-set/time.  I am working a total of nine hours at my job this week. Pretty disturbing. But not too sad, as I have a number of plants sitting in pots awaiting hole digging. I have considered doing some of that for months, but have apparently become very adept at avoidance: hence a startling similarity to the people I was harping about in the first paragraph. So I think I will devote some time this afternoon to puttering around in the yard, getting some of those things planted and settled in before cold weather arrives.

Thought last night that I should attempt to find a sub. teaching job for today, but all the absences that create work opportunities are for people who work in special education classes - sadly, not something I am comfortable taking on. But happily - a day with nothing else on the calendar, so fairly likely that I will actually get some holes dug and plants inserted.

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