...included someplace in all the mishaps that are part of Murphey's Law, it should be. Came in the mail on a newsletter from an organization I occasionally volunteer with. It was so true and applicable to how life goes, I thought it was worth sharing.
"The shortest measurable interval of time is the time between the moment I put a little extra aside for sudden emergency and the arrival of that emergency."
Like the old joke about the thermos. When the guys were talking about what they thought was the most remarkable invention, one said microwaves, one said automobiles and the third said 'thermos bottles.' When asked what was so special about a thermos, he said: It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. How do it know?'
So when I have squirreled away some extra funds, there always seems to be an unexpected crisis that will rear it's ugly head. How do it know?
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