... for forty eight hours while I am by myself in this empty house. My spouse occasionally gets a wild hare and will make plans to go on a road trip. The Only Place the Road Ever Leads is to Biloxi, MS. There is where he can be found at the Palace Casino, sitting at the table for hours on end, playing blackjack. TP has been doing this for years.
When the kids were young, and willing to go along for the ride, we went to lots of Yogi Bear and KOA campgrounds, state and national parks, scenic wonders: most any locale their parents thought might be interesting. So as a family with two young daughters, we went to a lot of places in the southeastern states. Mostly in a popup camper, or pulling a fifth wheel trailer. I'm done with that.
When he gets ready to go to MS, he will usually start asking people in his circle of friends, to find someone who is willing to go along. Often a couple we went to church with years ago, or someone he might be eating breakfast with at the café he faithfully attends six days a week. This time his shotgun rider was a retired army guy he met while they were both volunteering at the Infantry Museum.
They left on Friday morning, and will be back in town this afternoon. When he is ready to go, you best get out of the way. And when he is ready to return home, you might get left. There is a long standing agreement that if he looses any money at the card table, that's his loss. But if he wins, and comes out ahead, he has to share with me. I have never offered to 'stake' him, but always willing to help spend the profit!
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