Thursday, February 28, 2019


... today for the Sports Council.  This is the organization that was started from scratch back in 1996 when the Olympics were held in Georgia. Women's Fastpitch Softball was proposed as a new addition to the competition, and games were held here, with teams from all over the world coming to compete for Olympic Gold.

My job assignment was probably the most worst boring volunteer position ever. Sitting by a door and telling people they cannot open this door.   Few actually wanted to go in, and the ones who heard 'sorry, you cannot go in', were remarkably agreeable, taking the long way around instead of that handy short cut. The organizers had actually blocked off a breezeway (fortunately not an exit or the fire marshal would have been standing on his head), to use that small space for people who set up drug testing. I guess that has started to be an issue in any competition, with required proof to keep everyone on the up and up. Sad that this has become necessary to prevent cheating in collegiate sports and performance enhancing drugs at bay.

I was there from 2:30 until 8:00. I am very thankful I had a book in my car. One I had started months ago,but left in my car and never went back to finish. The venue for the swim meet was the city aquatics center, close to the main branch of the public library: a building filled with things to read!

It was the NAIA Championships. I have no idea what that means, but there were college age swimmers from all over the US there competing. Bringing dollars into town when they came for the event, staying in motel rooms and eating Georgia food.

I will go back in the morning at 7:30 until noon. I plan to take my computer so I can keep boredom at bay, even if it requires watching hours of lame, cheezy YouTube videos. Or blogging, pondering the universe...

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