... to be done at a local bank branch, but they were not so friendly, welcoming. I finally attracted someone's attention (while being consistently well behaved), who nodded at me, and said he would be with me shortly. Apparently his definition of 'shortly' and mine are not related, as I eventually left with all that business un-done. Not 'undone' in the sense that it fell apart, but undone as it never got started, so nothing occurred to help with resolution of my concerns.
I still need to go get questions answered and problems resolved, but will take my business to another branch and hope for more positive, interactive staff at the next close-est branch when I go to establish a relationship with my personal banking representative.They just did not seem to be concerned with customer service, or interested in making an effort to be accomodating. I know I do not have big piles of cash, like Scrooge McDuck in the cartoons/comic books, when he is taking a bath in cash, swimming in his vault full of lucre. But they did not know that, or anything else about me.
I went in after work, and was in work clothing: black pants, ugly green knit shirt I have to wear on the job, and sneakers. Decent dressed: not in pajamas like I often seen shopping, pushing a grocery cart at work. I felt I looked ok, but not paint-spattered, or raggedy like you can see in the bank lobby, cashing pay checks. Cannot say if they were short-handed, under-staffed, or that sense of distracted employees is standard. They seemed to not be in a hurry to greet, or assist, so I won't be in a hurry to go back into that particular branch bank in the future.
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