Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I am going today, with some fellow Publix employees to do some yard work. I assume it is a United Way project, as there is much emphasis on a corporate level on giving back to the community. A big supporter of the annual UW fund-raising campaign, all the store managers are expected to talk to their associates, and thereby gain 100% participation of all employees in supporting the fund. Sometimes I will pledge a dollar a week from my paycheck, sometimes I make a one time donation, but I know the easiest way out, to avoid being nibbled to death by ducks, is to fork it over the first time I am approached by the store manager.

We are going to a community center down on the south side of town. The sign up sheet I put my name on indicated we would need to bring tools like rakes, hedge trimmers and gloves. I am loaded up (all the time) with gloves, clippers, and bug stuff. So I am planning to be down there on time, to do a bit of trimming and cleaning.  Nothing heavy like chainsaw-ing or serious trimming,(although I certainly could if someone else would pull the rope to get it started) but some of the lighter stuff I can do without risk. As I would like to retain all these body parts to which I am so attached.

I will go on and get there on time, and do some work, with the intention of leaving early. I suspect that a couple of hours will likely be all the fun I can stand. If I were in charge, I would have planned this project to start about 7:00 in the morning, and be done before it gets so blasted hot no one can function out there.

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