Saturday, July 26, 2014

short road trip...

I got myself up unusually early on Friday. To drive to Decatur for the day. No particular reason, just hanging out. We walked the dogs, did some errands, went by to visit friend R. who has two fat babies. One who is a toddler, goes every where at max. speed, leaning into full tilt, looking like he is always headed uphill, into a stiff wind. The other is a baby, but like his brothers: very dense. Picking him up is like trying to get a handle on a sumo wrestler.

Went into midtown to pick up a birthday cake/cookie and found a neat little place to have lunch on the patio. Remarkabley out of the busy traffic in the area, it was most un-city like. You could possibly imagine that you were not in the middle of the metro/five million people. Contemplating the expensive landscaping, with cypress trees and lots of blooming annuals, it was possible to almost believe you were some place relaxing and calm, as peaceful as a restful flower garden... not within rock-throwing distance of a twelve land interstate highway.

I had suggested that we might want to consider going to the public pool for a bit of swimming. Not thinking of how much it has recently rained, or of how unpleasantly cold the pool water would be. But we were really brave and waited it out, hopping up and down long enough to get past the icy part, and enjoyed a dip, surrounded by dozens of splashy, noisy kids. I

I wanted to get out of town before traffic got awful, but missed the mark. Though I did not encounter any problems, I noticed at one point on the northbound lane, a SUV charred, surrounded by emergency vehicles, and traffic backed up for several miles. Thankfully on the other side of the interstate, and not problematic for southbound drivers. I got home about 5:30.

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