Tuesday, November 3, 2015

the ASL sign for 'all done'...

... is one of the easy hand signs you can teach babies before they are verbal. They don't have the language skills to tell you they are finished with eating. But soon learn from repetition, observing mom. They learn from watching the parent/caregiver who waves hands in the air to indicate 'all done' when they are through. Along with other words like 'more', and 'water' and 'hot.

I'm all done with work for the week. Apparently I shot myself in the foot when I offered to be part of the Halloween scene last Saturday afternoon. I was on the schedule to work this morning, but recently found myself  'deleted'. Not so good for the ego - but lately I have practicing saying 'if you are not at work, you are on vacation'. Conditioning my brain to think: enjoy the free time more than the income. Factor in the awareness that I would already be at work instead of sitting here in my pajamas typing, with nothing pressing or necessary till noon, and it gets better all the time.

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