Wednesday, November 4, 2015

drivin' in the city...

... helped me to remember why I have no desire to live in Atlanta. I came up this afternoon, and drove across the west side of town to go up and visit a friend who lives in Marietta. Meaning I drove quite a distance in that traffic that is either driving too fast, whizzing along on the six lane wide interstate highway. Or clumped together, inching along at 4 m.p.h., wondering what the hold up can possibly be causing us to be barely moving.

So if I should take complete leave of my senses, and accidently, inadvertently think of making move to live in the City: remind me about how it takes an hour to drive twenty miles to get from one end of town to the other. Before traffic slowed to a crawl, I was getting 63 m.p.g. in my little Toyo. Jealous?

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