... of driving to TN for the day on Monday was stopping at a local'ish garden center to get some huge blooming chrysanthemum plants to take to decorate the front steps of the birthday girl's house. Big, colorful, with lots of buds and bright yellow blooms by the dozens. Usually, it is best to completely avoid garden centers, stay out of the plant shop at Walmart, and keep my distance from anything even remotely related to growing green things.
I have purchased and delivered those great big mum plants on occasion in the past, and knew she would like to have some to make her front steps cheerful. Like dozens of 'smiley faces', all winking and grinning at you when you approach the front door. Plus the joy of having them to plant in the flower bed somewhere and re-bloom year after year with minimal care.
I accidentally bought a half-dozen salvia plants. In a color that you do not normally associate with the flashy red spike-y blooms usually seen on the summer annual. I am thinking/hoping the ones that called my name in the garden shop, will be perennials and come back to bloom again each year. The name of this variety is 'black and blue', so naturally they have a blue bloom that is really eye catching. Over the years, I have often planted the ones that have bright red spikes, hoping to make the hummingbirds, bees and butterflies think of me fondly. They will bloom from spring to fall if just a little care is given. You have to be observant enough to pinch/snip the bloomed out stalks off, forcing them put out new growth, re-bloom and attract pollinators until frost kills the plants.
I hope to get them planted today. After good drenching rains over the weekend, and plenty of moisture to make the dirt more dig-able, they need to go in the ground and get established before cold weather. So that is the extent of my projects/planning for a rare day with nothing on my calendar...
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