Thursday, May 23, 2013

yesterday was possibly too interesting, phone call-wise...

In addition to the thoroughly alarming call from Lauren at customer service abut my (traveling) 'sees-all, knows-all, does-all' credit card, I had a couple of other calls that I would not have responded to. Had I not been at home - accidently available, to answer the home phone when it rang multiple time, I would not now be credit-card-less. But I cut that sucker up so fast, I think I had the utility shears in my hand before I replaced the phone on the wall. As if it was contaminated - which, of course, it was. But in retrospect, realize I failed to ask her about any other odd-ball charges that might have been on the card. And sadly, I will have to wait till the bill comes, since that particular set of numbers is disabled and I cannot check to see if those people in NJ are still having fun at my expense.

The other calls: One was from the guy who runs the alumni association of the people who have been through the CLEAA (Citizen's Law Enforcement Academy Alumni). He was looking for volunteers who would work with Public Safety on Friday night when they do a 'practice' hostage situation at one of the local middle schools. It sounds pretty interesting, so I will do as instructed, and show up tomorrow afternoon at 5:00, and ask for Sgt. Cox. More to come on this...

The other call actually an email from the guy who so admirably and efficiently runs the Neighborhood Watch group for the panhandle area of the county. They put out a call for volunteers (pick me! Pick ME!) to help a group of Army vets., Friday morning who will be putting out flags to line the median of Victory Drive for Memorial Day weekend. If you know that my ring-tone on my cell phone is a John Phillip Sousa full-bore march, full of trilling fifes, pounding drums and banging cymbals, you are not surprised. I am excessively fond of  veterans, little old men in baseball caps with Old Glory on the bill. I will be out there helping install dozens of flags along the length of the main-est street leading into downtown Columbus, where we have: (ta-da, with trumpet flourish...) Ft. Benning, Home of the Infantry!

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