Sunday, August 5, 2018

big fluffy....

...flower arrangement, in the silver urn that comes down off the pantry shelf once a year. Not sure how this annual donation got started, but it has been going on for quite some time. A local, loosely organized group of artists has a show and sale each year, when they all bring one piece of their work, either painted canvas, watercolor, or a three-dimensional design to contribute to the exhibition. For years the event has been located in the Fine Arts Hall of the University, but more recently in a space provided by the local library. I think the library is a good idea, as it is  more centrally located, easier to access, plenty of parking, and more likely to be enjoyed by the general public.

The Art Guild show opens today, with a reception tonight. My big cut flower arrangement has historically been placed on the carefully arranged table with numerous platters of finger foods: cracker and cheese plates, little pastry cups filled with taste-tempting delights, veggies and dip, tiny sandwiches consumed in one bite, sweets in various sizes and shapes. The fact that all this is free for anyone who shows up usually brings a crowd.

It is a pretty big deal, because there are lots of cash prizes awarded for various categories. When I was there putting my massive arrangement together, someone else was in the room looking at the works that had been hung for display. She started a conversation, and reported she was one of the judges. Something she has never done before, and was a bit anxious about the responsibility after looking at all the talent and skills she could see exhibited in the art displayed. I am thankful to not be making such difficult decisions, choosing the best ones. I took the time to walk through when I finished my floral contribution, and was quite impressed with the variety and quality of the work I saw. Lots of talent and skill represented. Everything from wood-working to fabric/textiles, though the largest number of contributions were two dimensional framed paintings, mostly oils/acrylic or watercolors.

The show will be up for two weeks, then each of the one hundred or so artists will return to reclaim their contribution if it has not been sold to an admirer. I will return to reclaim my container, and put it back on the shelf in the pantry for another year.

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