... in my life who occasionally get a surprise in the mail. Or at least that is what they think, when something completely unexpected is delivered from the USPS addressed to youngsters. But in reality, the 'gift' will really be a bribe. It will be something that I hope will turn them into amazingly capable, productive adults, citizens who contribute in a positive way to our society. Provided, of course, we do not collectively go to hell in a hand-basket before they become adults.
Still in TN, and heard from the resident 'house guest', about a discount book store having a Gigantic, Fantastic Going Out Of Business Sale. (Resident house guest has some health issues, was living here for a short time when he moved to town to accept a job, and has dropped back in for them to provide emotional support as needed while he resolves the medical problems.) I suggested we might trek across town to look at the discounted children's books at the gi-normous sale. Hoping to find some recycled, in good condition literature I can send to those little folk in my life that periodically receive the books to encourage childhood literacy.
Since these kids have been really young, I have been sending them books for their parents to read. The sort of stories that are published with a profusion of illustrations, drawing to capture the attention and imagination of folk who have yet to gain the ability to decipher the printed letters on each page. As they begin to see the words, learn to identify the combinations strung together to build sentences, and learn that the spoken language is also written there, as mom and dad are reading them tales of adventures. Both young school-age girls now have younger brothers, who are stepping out along the path of developing those readiness skills so important to becoming literate.
So before I leave town today, heading back to GA, I plan to go to the book store closing. Hoping to find several stories that will appeal to the youngsters, inspire parents to inspire daughters and sons to beg for bedtime stories. Inching them along towards the essential skill of deciphering their world through the written word.
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