Thursday, March 22, 2018

my maternal grandmother...

... was years ahead of Al Gore. She was famously quoted by my mom for half a century before Mr. Gore came along with his theories. Following his claim to have invented the Internet, which set the tone for not believing anything that came out of his mouth, in the manner of the fable "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." Then came the alarm about Global Warming, and all the hazards the planet faces as a result of pollution, wasteful disregard for the air water and soil we depend on for existence. General overall misuse and casual indifference to the resources we appear to believe are endless, but do in fact, have limitations.

I clearly remember my mom quoting her mother-in-law Rosa, when something unexpected would occur on a large scale. Something affecting thousands of individuals: like unexpected storms, or unseasonably cold weather at a time when it would normally be mild. Droughts over a period of years that leave areas desperate for rainfall to replenish lakes and support food crops. Hurricanes that are a hazard of living in the south, especially during the heat of summer if you reside in Florida or near the ocean, either Gulf coast or Atlantic. And tornadoes that can appear out of a cloudless sky on a moments notice, wreak havoc and vanish.

I do not personally remember hearing the statement forth directly from my grandmother, but my mom said it with such authority, I am a believer. The quote from Rosa: 'We are living in the last days". In reality that has been true for two thousand years. I've heard it all my life, and find reason to apply it to things that occur with frightening frequency. Assorted international disasters, as well as horrifying events closer to home.

As the weather we observe and live with from day to day vacillates from one extreme to the other, I find myself wondering what's going on. I thought we were into spring, and then go looking for the wool socks I put away, expecting winter was over. I thought I could move warm under-layers to a storage bin until at least November, and then have to dig them out to wear one last time - for the third of the 'last times'.  As I am continually, repeatedly reminded: Grandma Rosa was right: The Last Days Are Upon Us.


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