Sunday, March 11, 2018

finishing up....

... the weekend of often cold, and more recently very wet weather at the retreat in Harris County. This event was designed for and peopled by men, with the next one scheduled for the upcoming weekend planned for women, some who are likely wives of the men who were in attendance today. This was a smaller crowd of men than the group of females expected to begin their journey next Thursday: what does this say about gender? There are almost twice as many females signed up to participate for the Women's weekend. Men are harder to persuade to make the commitment for self-improvement? Men already know all the answers?  Men are less likely to be interested in building  lasting relationships? Hmm....

I was seriously under-dressed when I went up on Thursday afternoon, when the wind blew in off the little lake and we sat thoroughly chilled in the open air shelter as the sun went down. After some digging to unearth my layers of thermal underpinnings I thought had been retired for the season, I went back much better prepared on Friday. The day gradually warmed to the point that I found myself  'over-dressed', and had to shuck layers off. Then Saturday was sunny, clear, warm - a beautiful spring day. Which caused me to be unprepared for bone-chilling blustery weather today. Constant rain, all day long, ranging from drizzle to drenching. Yep: it's March!

My co-worker in the area where I had volunteered to serve was someone I had met, but did not know well at all. It was a great opportunity to spend time together, listen, share, learn, grow. A capable woman with a sweet spirit and generous heart. I discovered what a powerful pray-er she is, and already planning to enlist her the next time I have occasion to recruit Prayer Warriors. Definitely someone you would want on your team when the need arises.

Her husband had recently been hospitalized for a back problem, undergone surgery, but had complications following the operation, causing him to remain as an inpatient for three weeks. But the man was determined to follow through on his commitment to be a volunteer over the weekend at this retreat. He began to feel badly Saturday night, having some alarming symptoms, so she took him home. Not sure what is going on now, but hope he chose to be 'less manly', agreed to seek medical attention needed for best outcome.

People who were there as volunteers did a remarkable amazing job of jumping in, taking up the slack when the co-worker had sudden change of priorities. The final day of the retreat went off without a hitch, as several folks pitched in to get the work done, making the needed adjustments and pulling off the last portion in a seamless manner. I am thankful for all the people who were there as servants and the congregate effort put forth to pull it all together.

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