Thursday, January 25, 2018

up and ready to go...

... even though I am not on the schedule to be at work at 6 am. Headed south today, to go to Valdosta and take the auntie to a dental appointment. It is really odd that she will be having a tooth replaced, as she has historically been so obsessive about dental care over the years - a much better flosser than I have ever been. But when I took her back the end of last year, the office staff reported they had been 'watching' a place on a molar that had some 'problems'. Apparently the thing is now to let decay take it 's course until it is time to do something remedial about it?

She will have to sit in the chair with her mouth propped open for some time while hands go in. Starting the process of (grimace, squint) grinding down a molar to get the bad stuff out, and make a temporary covering. Then go back for a second appointment in several weeks when the permanent cap comes in that will make everything 'just like new!' For the small fee of only $1200! Won't that be fun?

I am optimistic, hoping for a good outcome: but with a person who has no short term memory, not at all sure how successful this venture will be. With her long history of being so compulsive about taking good care of her mouth, I am a bit surprised there is something in there that needs professional attention. Assume that she has been more neglectful as she has lost the short term memory/ability to do the careful consistent maintenance that has so dutifully occurred over the years. Plus the environment in there has likely changed over time. With a different moisture level or bone loss as happens with aging.

Let's all be hopeful this will be a successful outing. I am thankful I will not be the one who will be in the room with her, continually reminding her she needs to 'open wide'. And that she will not be snapping and snarling at me when it is over, blaming me for all the things that have gone wrong in her life.

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