Wednesday, September 17, 2014

really sad.... how I feel when seeing this ancient kitty go downhill. She has gotten noticeably slower in the past week or so, considerably thinner (and has always been a light-weight, so could not afford to loose any of what she has lost). And has pretty much quit eating in the past couple of days.

I think when I asked about her first visit to the veterinary office I discovered she was about fifteen years old, which is, I think, a long time for an outside cat. And until she started having problems that required medical support back in January, she has always lived outdoors. She had one tree that she loved to climb, a red cedar behind the house, where you could find her when you went out and called her name, and she would come down the limbs like a ladder/stair steps.

She is has vastly outlived the other one we adopted from the shelter at the same time, by several years. So you could say she has had a long good life, full of cat happiness? Chasing lizards, birds, chipmunks and leaving 'presents' by the back door.

So as much as I don't want to do this - I guess it is time for one last trip to the vet. The vet said I would know when it is time, and I think this is it. I'm really sad. And even though I do not want her to suffer, or starve - I am not quite ready.

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