Saturday, August 3, 2013

motoring across the border...

I got up at 3:00 a.m. on Friday morning. Deliberately. So certain that I needed to get up in the middle of the night, I set two alarm clocks to be sure I did not miss out on roaming around in the wee hours. I've tried to use the alarm on my phone, and have set it in the past.  But don't know how to turn it off/delete, so once it is set to wake me at 4 or 5 a.m., it continues for all eternity, once I get it started: therefore not an option for waking up.

I needed to take a shower before getting on the road. I don't think anyone can fully understand how anxious big-city traffic makes me feel. How stressed I get when I find myself driving in a situation where there are literally hundreds of other motorists around me, whizzing by at frightening speeds on highways that are six lanes across, all heading in the same direction - with most apparently having left the starting point/house running ten minutes behind.

I was headed to South Carolina, and wanted desperately to be well outside the 285 perimeter before everyone else - all three million of them - got out on the roads headed to work/school/criminal activity. So I figured if I left home by 4 a.m., I could be out on I-85 headed towards SC by 6'ish. I usually try to get to Greenville around 10 o'clock, and leave there around 4 to head back to Decatur.

But this time, instead of heading back towards GA when I left my pen-pal's house, I went to visit a cousin who a recently relocated to Greenville. She will be teaching in the education department of a small college nearby. I went to see her new abode (literally new - just completed huge apartment complex.) The family of one human and two cats seems to be pretty well settled in, though there are still plenty of boxes for feline amusement.  We went to get a bite to eat before I had to start back south.

One should always fill up with gas before leaving SC, as the prices there are usually anywhere from twenty to forty cents lower than GA. Got back to Decatur about dark, and surprisingly not falling- down tired. But I did sleep really good last night.

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