Sunday, August 11, 2013

cutting up the cantaloupe...

Then when the 'turtles' were all sitting there on my cutting board, as I started to slice the outside off, to get them to the place where there is absolutely no green showing, not the least little bit of rind left, I got to thinking about that email someone recently sent with clips of animals doing funny thingss. There is one with a cat sitting up on it's back legs, with front paws on the table. The cat is watching hands move little walnut shells around. You know: the 'shell game', as in There Is A Sucker Born Every Minute, a la P.T.Barnum.

Where there is a pea under one, and your eyes have to be quick enough to keep up with the constant motion, and try to watch the one you think has the pea. To guess the right one of the three when the shells stop getting stirred to and fro.There must have been a cat treat under one of the three shells as the cat, amazingly, made the right choice, when the hands stopped moving the shells around. And I hope enjoyed the reward. It was pretty amusing to recall, even while doing that onerous task, as I thought about that smart, wily feline. While I was standing there, with six or eight halves of cantaloupe, waiting for me to peel and cube - I kept smiling to myself as I thought about that cat, giving the shells the stink eye, while determined not to be out-smarted by a human, and remarkably:  making the right choice!

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