Wednesday, April 10, 2013

adopt a soldier?

I can't sleep. I can usually lay down with reading material and have to wake up to turn the light off within thirty minutes. But it didn't work this time. P.j.s on and teeth brushed by 10:00, in bed with my book, turned the light off, then got up and went to the other end of the house, to start writing letters, and cleaning off cluttered counter-tops. It's been a productive night thus far: two letters and one postcard written, a big pile of paper in the recycling.... and maybe time for bed at 2:02 a.m.

I came across a column I cut out of the paper about a month ago. I made copies to take to friends I see on Wednesday nights, in hopes of recruiting some others to want to adopt a soldier. The article was written by a Savannah resident who has started a program to have people write to Army members serving in Afghanistan. You who know what a wordy person I am, and how I single-handedly support the USPS with stamp purchases won't be suprised. I just emailed the coordinator of the program to get me connected with someone who wants mail. If you think about what They are doing, whether you are a supporter of the administration/Department of Defense or not - you have to be thankful there are young men and women who are willing to go, do the right thing, and step up when called upon.

The group this article referenced is the 3rd Infantry Division from Ft. Stewart. If you are interested, the website is How can you not want to get involved?

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