... to donate to the local botanical gardens. For the Annual Day Lily Festival. Really amusing that I am giving my time to this, as I do not particularly care for the blooming hemoricallis flower. I have never been in love with day lilies. My dad really liked them, and had a number of unusual ones planted in his flowerbeds he acquired after he retired and had time to tend a garden. He shared several with me years ago, that I failed to tend, so they have all disappeared under the layers of leaf mulch due to neglect.
I think part of my day, as it is divided into 'shifts' for morning and afternoon, is being a greeter. Not being a type-A, outgoing, hail-fellow-well-met sort of person, this will be challenging. I can ask customers at work 'need some help?', but I am forcing that good cheer, as it is a necessity and requirement of a paying job. I am just not an extrovert and will have to really work at being cheery and chipper in order to present the proper attitude during my shift attending the welcome area, greeting, providing maps and info.
But when they let me get in the golf cart and whizzzzzz around the property: Nelly-bar-the-door! Even though the top speed is probably thirteen-and-a-half miles per hours, it feels really fast when you floor the acceleration pedal. This is the part where I help patrons and customers of the event with their purchases to return to the parking area. There will be vendors present selling plants and assorted crafts, so customers will be buying things and need assistance with getting their goods back up a fairly steep hill to the area where cars are sitting.
After checking the weather to be assured there is not rain in the forecast, I will now put on my shorts and volunteer shirt and get underway. I expect it will be a steamy, humid, sticky day, but thankful there is not going to be 110% humidity in the form of falling water in addition to heat. It's June in the South.
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