Wednesday, October 2, 2013

was it Yogi Berra...

Was the famous Yankee baseball Manager the one who said 'I'm having deja-vu all over again'? I think we are having some of that at my house too. I was so relived when I thought of the DNA I had given  my kids, and thankfully diluted with Sanders genes, until I found my mother in law with the same memory problems my mother's family displayed. Makes me sad to think that I might have doomed my daughters to 'loosing it' when they age, with a combo. of 'failing memory' genetics from both parents. (Do I support Alzheimer's reserch? oh, yes!)

He asks every morning: What are you doing today? Where are you going? What time do you have to be there? When do you get off? What have you got going on? What are you plans? I never, never ask... and now I am wondering: Why not? Does it have something to do with being raised in the south? By people who were so conscious of observing the social norms they would not overtly pry into other people's business? Does this mean I am stuck in someone elses' rut?

Anyway....When he asked what I had on my schedule for today, I told him I had signed on to participate in a national cancer study/research project. Did the online registration and completed a lengthy questionnaire some weeks ago, and have to go this morning to the YMCA to give a blood sample, get measured and do some more Q & A stuff. He said: 'I hope you won't get mad with me when I ask you about this'. I said: 'hmmm - that all depends.'  He said, 'Well, you know I have been paying $28 a month for the membership at the Y, and I know you like to swim, and wish you would go'. I said 'Cancel it'. He said, 'Oh, no - I don't want to do that'...

Are you feeling kinda 'deja-vu' yet? Me too.

So I said: 'We've had this conversation before, right here at this table, some weeks ago. I told you to cancel it then. But you said you wanted me to go to the Y. I said I wanted to go to,but don't seem to be getting there. I'd like to get started with yoga for my old bones/joints and swim some too.'

'But regardless of what you decide to do, you don't need to say anything else about it to me. Because that is what I told you when we had this same conversation weeks ago: you are Not Allowed to say it again. Cancel it or don't - just remember that we had this discussion, so we don't have it again'. Arggghhhh....

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