I went to work early on Sunday, so I could get off soon after noon. To have the afternoon to enjoy on such a pretty, pleasant fall day. P and C and I had talked about going up to Harris County to ride around and enjoy the sights at Callaway Gardens. We went to the Sibley Center, walked through the greenhouse, full of tropical plants, with some huge banana trees, laden with bunches of green bananas, plus lots of other interesting, imported plants. Hundreds of mums in bloom (plus that many more in bud that will be glorious in the coming weeks). Lots of amusing topiary in the different football jerseys of various athletic teams across the southeast.
Then on to the Day Butterfly Center, where there are lots of unusual tropical butterflies flitting around in the high humidity, steamy warm atmosphere. Lots of fall blooms around the outside: mums, red salvia, yellow daisies to attract nectar-lovers. Then a stop at the Discovery Center to take a look around: view the (blatant advertisement) film describing the origins and development of the Gardens, and look at some beautiful nature prints, by a photographer who has been all over North America observing wildlife and taking some remarkable shots of the environment and endangered species..
It was a beauty filled day to be alive.
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