Sunday, October 7, 2018

the consumate volunteer...

... somehow got dropped off the sign up list for making myself available to help with various events at the local botanical gardens. Got a call from the person who was recruited as a volunteer to manage the volunteer cadre, wondering  why I was not participating? Had my feelings been hurt? Do we have a bogus email address? No,  none of the above...

Apparently they thought I was ignoring them, while I was busily thinking they were ignoring me? I'm back on the email list again, and signed up for various projects in need of extra hands/bodies. One occurred on Saturday, when I went yesterday to help with Pumpkin Painting. And yes, they were actually painting actual pumpkins.

About two dozen people had signed up and paid good money to apply stickers, acrylic paint and tons of glitter to the pumpkin of choice. Some were really cute, clever designs carefully drawn out and sketched on the skin of the fruit, while others looked like an explosion in the glitter factory. The event was scheduled to start at 10:00 and be done by noon. I was walking back to my car by twelve, after sweeping up several good sized piles of glitter that landed on the tables, chairs and floor.

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