Wednesday, October 24, 2018

amusing stickers...

... on the back window of a SUV waiting at the light ahead of me. You've seen the one that has the silhouette of T Rex, that dinosaur with the hopelessly short front legs making them useless for bringing food to it's toothy mouth. And the accompanying caption: "If you are happy and you know it... oh, never mind" indicating the carnivore has legs far too short to bring the claws together to clap, or do anything else with like self-feeding.

And another one that has the same silhouette of the T Rex, gobbling up stick figures, stuffing them in his jaws with both 'arms'. That caption that relates something about how much this hungry reptile enjoyed consuming your 'stick family'. Meant to be the perfect comeback to all those people who enjoy showing other motorists how many family members and assorted pets live at their house, often dressed as zombies or Star Wars characters.

The one I saw today was a small sticker with that T Rex in profile, but he had some of those mechanical grabbers on both claws, the little gadget you can get a discount store to help you reach things on high shelves, or under the bed three feet away. Used to extend his reach enough to grab any tasty morsel that came along and stuff it in his greedy toothy mouth. All three of these decals on the back window of the same vehicle were pretty amusing. At least that's what I thought when I was waiting for the light to change from red to green....

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