Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm fully recovered, thankyouverymuch....

I guess I have completely gotten over the 'fun' of working in a floral shop over Valentine's Day. I took a substitute teaching job for today, and with my whip and chair, went back into the elementary school classrooms. Since I had worked with this teacher before (I was the sub. for the para-pro.) I felt like I pretty much knew what I was getting into.

And it was not so bad: especially since there is a new assistant principal in the school who has gotten the awful noise in the lunchroom under control. After leaving there with a pounding headache from lunch dutyon my last day of working at that school, I was fearful (went equipped with earplugs and a supply of tylenol!) of what an hour in the enclosed environment of 200 kids shouting in the cafeteria would be like. And got in hot water with another aide, who was clearly disapproving of the fact that is was so quiet in there I was able to walk the floor, occasionally eyeing the students and read my book at the same time. She did not like my book reading at all, and was pretty plain spoken about it... Funny: how other schools encourage the kids to actually bring their library books into the lunchroom and use the time after they finish eating to read, which is a Great Idea that keeps them quiet in addition to all the good things that independent reading does for kids and the rest of us as well.

I have another one lined up for Friday, but will continue to check with the computer to find something I might like better than the one I have committed to... (meaning better pay than what I will get as a para-pro. subsititute - a couple of the jobs I took before my V.Day break were so onerous I'd pretty much decided that the work should pay at least $400 a day to make it worth the misery of having to be cooped up in a room with 20 or more of the little rascals.)

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