... in South Carolina when I drove up to Greenville on Monday? Huh??? What is that? Ice? Would it have fallen off a truck and landed along the right of way there by the guard rail, just as I was crossing over the state line from Georgia, when I never remember the speed limit drops by five miles? And why would a big semi-trailer with ice on top be going north on Interstate 85 from GA to SC? It was completely baffling. No one in my life who stays glued to the television and on top of the current weather updates thought to warn me about what was going on there in Upstate SC: I had no idea they had so much snow that it was 'sticking', and landscape was covered in fluffy white stuff.
Going once a month to visit my pen-pal, who I feel an urgency to go to see as often as possible as he is 95 years old. I am still laughing about the conversation we had when I arrived. The last time I went back in early November, I took him a pot with pansies and an amaryllis bulb. I have been taking a big fat amaryllis bulb in a box, a kit with bulb, potting soil, a little plastic pot and instructions, a number of times over the years, when they are in the stores around the holidays. Always try to take something growing, blooming, colorful, as well as some tasty treat, good to eat. Geraniums that will bloom all summer, or lantana to plant in the yard and attract pollinators to flit around, flutter by.
When I was there a month ago, I took the bulb already potted, so all he had to do was add water, and keep it someplace where it got enough light. He asked when I got in the door, if I had received the message. I told him I saw where he had called, but he did not leave a message, so I just deleted the missed call. He insisted there was a message, because he had taken photos of the amaryllis when it bloomed about a week ago, and sent pictures. I had to confess I never saw the blooms, because I did not know how to check messages. Homer said: 'I am nearly 96 years old and I do it, so you had better learn!' I told him that I cannot think of anything any more tedious than typing with thumbs, and I have no desire to do that.
But I did get out my phone and figure out how to get into messages, and found the pix that he sent me back early in the month. What a smart, entertaining guy! We had a good visit, crept out of the house and went to Wendy's for lunch, then to his dr. appt. to get a finger stick. Back to the house safely, as the snow was melting and puddling up every where. I am still amazed to think I was so unaware and unsuspecting when I crossed into SC and started seeing snow!?! I don't watch televsion, so not up to speed on lots of things that TV addicts know, but still surprised no one in my life said: '...oh, you know it snowed up in Carolina....'
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